Tuesday, November 01, 2011

CARM: Radio 10_21

Faith and Reason 10_21

Show Notes
Friday October 21, 2011

Caller John from Boise, Idaho calls to confirm that today was another failed prediction of the Lords return by Harold Camping.

Hate (?) mail from a follower of Wicca: An example of a rather disjointed example of “Wicca-think” follows.

Hate (?) mail from Etoro who strongly disagrees with Matt’s Trinitarian views. Etoro offers some of his own cultivated assertions in this regard.

An e-mailer criticizes some CARM website information regarding Creation.

A “Love” mail offers blessings to CARM.

E-mailer Susan writes to express gratitude for the ministry of CARM.

Caller Paul: Can you explain the details regarding spiritual death as well as physical death?
Further, creationism vs. evolution: can both be right as in “theistic evolution?” (That is, God using evolution to bring the world to its current form and content?)

Caller Stephen from Idaho City, Idaho: First, “Thank you for you appearing on the Chris Kelly Show.”
Additionally, did Jephthah really kill his daughter?

Caller Kit from Arizona: I have a question about Isaiah 14:12 (the fall of Lucifer)

Caller Sean from Boise, Idaho asks: “How were the believers under the Law in the Old Testament times saved?”

Caller Fred from Boise, Idaho asks: “What is the “refining period” that Roman Catholics talk about, as in purgatory?”

Wacko-mail regarding the future of the Solar System. An apparent view of Universalists / Unitarians.
Boise, Idaho calls to confirm that today was another failed prediction of the Lords return by Harold Camping.

Hate (?) mail from a follower of Wicca: An example of a rather disjointed example of “Wicca-think” follows.

Hate (?) mail from Etoro who strongly disagrees with Matt’s Trinitarian views. Etoro offers some of his own cultivated assertions in this regard.

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