Friday, July 15, 2011

CARM: Radio 7_11

Faith and Reason 7_11

July 11, 2011 show notes

Caller Steven from Kentucky asks about offering “proofs” to atheists who often end up applying their own ungrounded moral “ought” to God.

Caller Robert from Texas (usually listens by Pod-cast) asks about the context of culture and customs of Bibles times. How much can we benefit from understanding Bible verses by looking at the culture of that day?

Additionally, Robert asks if the words “Depart from me” might be meant not only to heard by those involved in the cults and unbelieving people, but could it also be meat for Roman Catholics?

Finally, Robert asks about the Bible verses that talk about old men and young men in the last times, seeing visions and dreaming dreams.

Caller Mike from California wonders about the authority of the Bible: What about people who never see a Bible or hear about Jesus?

Jacob from Ohio talks about going into a atheist chat room and asks about; When do you draw the line and simply stop your conversations with those who seem to be in total and constant rejection of your attempts to reach them?

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