Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Matt and Ryan 12_31

Matt and Ryan 12_31

Matt and Ryan discuss the ministry work and then a bit of humorous discussion of what it would be like in creating your own "cult"...What is interesting is that in the joking, you do learn exactly what the cults will do to "inventing" their own religion.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Matt Slick Open Calls 12_30

Matt with Open calls 12_30

Diverse topics and questions this evening, more discussion of the TAG argument, call on JW's, then questions on hell and universalism, are atheists really rational and WHERE is Brian Sapient? :-)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Matt Slick & Faith and Reason 12_29

Matt with Faith and Reason 12_29

Matt answers email questions, topic of infants and whether they are in heaven, later a call concerning "head covering" in Scripture.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Matt Slick and atheist guest 12_19

Matt and atheist guest 12_19

Matt and atheist Rob Yergenson continue their discussion on the TAG argument part 3.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Matt Slick & Faith & Reason 12_17

Matt with Open Calls 12_17

Matt takes open calls, discussions this evening concern "atheism" and liberal agenda in gov't.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ryan Turner Guest host 12_16

Ryan Guest host 12_16

Topic this evening is "homosexuality" and the church with a caller in discussion
with Ryan.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Matt Slick Faith & Reason 12_15

Matt with Open Calls 12_15

Discussion on "sin" and "evil," approaching atheists in debate or discussion and call on Mormons.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_12

Matt with Open Calls 12_12

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_11

Matt & Open Calls 12_11

Discussion of beginnings and cause, uncaused cause, question on predestination, call edited for inappropriate language, and then discussion on Muslim debates.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_10

Matt & Open Calls 12_10

Various topics this evening, Messianic Judaism, discussion of women pastors and questions on God's ordaining sin.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Matt Slick Debates Atheist 12_9

Matt Debates Atheist 12_9

Matt and Atheist in studio debate the TAG argument...

Monday, December 08, 2008

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_08

Matt & Open Calls 12_8

Happy Birthday to Matt! Calls this evening included topic of Atheism, questions concerning local church and whether or not the teachings remain Biblical, federal headship, atheist claiming to refute TAG argument.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_5

Matt with Open Calls 12_5

Topics this evening, question on logic and nature, innerancy of Scripture, works added to faith,
Matt teaches on justification by faith alone, caller concerned with visiting friends homes where they would be exposed to idols, then debate concerning the Geneva Bible.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Matt Slick & Open Calls 12_4

Matt with Open Calls 12_4

Topics tonight, dating the rapture, questions on free will, questions on our sinful motives.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Matt Slick with Faith and Reason 12_3

Matt with Open Calls 12_3

Topics related to studying and to be a "Berean," question on the Preincarnate Christ in the Scripture.

Have you visited the CARM store?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Matt Slick with Open Calls 12_2

Matt with Open Calls 12_2

Topics this evening, questions concerning past sins, occult practices, demonic oppression and later discussion on the gospel message and disagreements among Christians.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Matt Slick with Open Questions 12_1

Matt with Open Questions 12_1

Interesting topics and questions this evening, responses to TAG argument on youtube, attacks on Christianity, importance in the study of Theology and logic, question on the endtimes, on ascension, question concerning sin and just a few Christian jokes to top of the evening. :-)