Matt Slick Live: July 17, 2012
Caller Cory from New York asks: “Who understands the Trinity?”
David from Pennsylvania calling back from yesterday asks: "How is it that Adam was said to be “ one of us...” in Genesis 3:22? Could that be where some of the modern day hyper-faith teachers get their idea that Christians can be called 'little gods' ?"
Caller Tim from Berlin, (atheist) asks: “What is spirit?”
Bob from Southern California who found CARM thru Pirate Christian Radio asks Matt: “What are your thoughts about large Christian crusade outreaches?”
Caller Abe from Caldwell asks: “While at youth camp the leader brought up the topic of how to deal with the various temptations that confront us frequently. What do you think is the best way to resist temptations?”
Caller Matt from Washington calls via Skype: “My friend is a Roman Catholic and we were talking about transubstantiation. Is it an essential to the Christian faith?” Matt Slick gave some brief Scriptural reasons why it is not an essential of the Christian faith as the show came to an end and invited the caller to call back tomorrow for more discussion on this topic.