Monday, June 20, 2011

CARM: Radio show 6_13

Faith and Reason 6_13

Monday June 13, 2011

Call 1

Atheist Andrew asks, “What do you mean when you say the Bible is your source for morals?”

Matt suggests Andrew read his article on the CARM website Can atheists be ethical?

Call 2

Jacob (Dark_Clamity) from Ohio asks how to avoid appearing insulting to those who you deal with who make efforts to disprove the validity of the Christian faith?

Additionally: Can apologetics be used to shield fellow Christian from the harmful influences of those committed to opposition of the Christian faith?

Finally: What can you say about the effectiveness of Christian philosophers using philosophical arguments for Christianity?

Call 3

Gary from Ohio: Can you inform me a bit on Hebrews 6:4

Additionally: After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead; did the Jews go on to kill him?

Call 4

John from Connecticut: On the issue of sin. What would be our mandatory sin?

There is a bit of a discussion of difficulties in dealing with hypothetical propositions.

Matt 7:22-23 is examined in regard to good works

Some e-mail examined which proposes that being born as a homosexual is equal to one who is born left handed.

Another e-mail about women preachers is mentioned. Matt advises reading the CARM website articles on this topic.

Additional e-mail brings a bit of interest to the legal terminology used in the New Testament in reference to our salvation being accomplished in Christ.

More e-mail: Is being opposed to the homosexual lifestyle mean that you are “homophobic”?

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